Anyway, after fourth period, which is probably my least favorite class (pre-calculus – EWWW!) I rushed out into the quad to meet Deanna in our usual spot so I could brag to her about my encounter with him.
Of course, when I finally spotted her through the hoards of kids spilling out for lunch, she was standing with none other than Warren Joslin. You remember, the guy who was laughing at me in the nurse’s office, the infamous H.E.L.L heartthrob. I guess I shouldn’t have been that surprised, Deanna had been nipping at his heels for like forever. I mean, I’d hoped once all the older theatre guys had started asking her out she would move on already, but of course, Warren always lured her back to him with his fancy guitar playing and his smile.
“Hey girlie!” Deanna called, waving to me as she walked toward me. I couldn’t help but notice that Warren had his hand possessively on her lower back, just high enough to not be too sketchy but low enough to indicate what exactly he was thinking. I felt my stomach turn.
“Hey Finkles” Warren smirked, “I probably shouldn’t get too close huh?”
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that Warren had decided to call me Finkles after he finally learned what my last name was last year. I mean, sure, I had only gone to school with him for like 9 billion years and had actually sat like three people in front of him when we sat alphabetically all through elementary school, but whatever.
Anyway, he thought the nickname was absolutely adorable and, although I acted like I hated it, I secretly loved the fact that he had made the name stick. I mean, in a weird way it made me feel sorta special, which I knew was stupid cause he came up with nicknames for everyone. Everyone except Deanna that is. Even though she would never admit it, I knew how much she hated it every time he called me Finkles, which just made me feel awful because, in some horrible way, I kinda liked that it bothered her. You know, cause it was like something I had that she didn’t.
“Shut up Warren.” I said, hoping that I had successfully hid the smile and warm bubbly feeling that had hit me as soon as he used the name. Figuring I would fail miserably at disguising myself, I turned to Deanna, crossing my fingers that Warren would get the hint and just walk away.
“I sorta missed creative writing today, so I didn’t get back my latest poem”
“What happened? Noa running late again?” Deanna asked. I could tell from her tone that I had been right about being unable to mask my joy and I felt a twinge of guilt as she shrugged out of Warren’s reach.
“You didn’t hear? Little Finkles here took a tumble this morning and wound up in a shouting match with the nurse. Isn’t that right Finkles?” Warren answered for me, leaning over to ruffle my hair.
“Warren! Cut it out!” I said, secretly praying that I sounded assertive like they taught us in that bullying class, but about 150% sure I still sounded like a giggling schoolgirl hopped up on raging hormones and a dash of nitrous oxide.
“Someone’s feisty.” Warren laughed, ignoring the death glare I was now focusing all my energy on giving him. “You would think you’d be nicer to the guy who grabbed your phone out of the evil nurse’s office for you.”
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